Let me tell you about Ted Cruz

For those not sure if Ted Cruz should run because of how the media and yes – even some Republicans have painted him…YOU GOTTA MINUTE?

I wanna tell you a story…

Have you ever met Ted? Not being sarcastic- I am genuinely interested…

Have you met him?

Have you been in a small room with a small crowd?

Had any personal interaction with Ted at all?

If so then you know what I’m about to say… If not – then brace yourself..

Many of us in Texas know Ted – I mean REALLY know him – we have had the pleasure 3 years ago of sitting in a bbq joints with him, Tea Party meetings, Liberty meetings, so on and so forth…

Folks like Katrina Pierson, Matt Armstrong, Konni Burton, Ken Emanuelson Maggie Clopton Wright Morgan McComb Mike Openshaw and many MANY others and listened to this man talk and express his passion. Tell us his vision for Texas and America. Then make promises to us and ask our support… And he got it – WE GAVE IT and Ted HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES – he has not sold his integrity to DC interest but rather – kept his commitment to 27 million Texans!

What I am saying is – Once Ted starts getting around the country – towns large and small, sitting in mom and pop bbq joints, burger joints diners, tea meetings, Republican clubs, churches, picnics …. Ect – I honestly believe everyday people JUST LIKE ALL OF US will discover Ted isn’t the boogeyman the MSM has painted him.

I believe millions will come to understand Ted is in deed the real hope we need to lead us back to the shining city on the hill!

Of the many time I have seen Ted – the one I value the most was Convention 2012 – I took my son – then 11 and Ted saw Angela and I and we chatted – hugged ect… Then he took my boy Quinn, who I had taken with me to convention and sat down with him – and chatted about 15 minutes – people trying to see him and Ted sat down with my boy and spent 15 minutes – 

yea – I’m sold

33 thoughts on “Let me tell you about Ted Cruz

  1. republicanwife1 April 19, 2015 / 04:50

    I’m with you 100% Ted Cruz is the man for the job. I feel with all my heart he is the only man that will actually do the job he promises or can clean up D.C. at all!

  2. CarolinaSistah April 19, 2015 / 17:11

    I’m not sold yet. I want to see him at least try to reach out to minority voters.

    • Jeff April 26, 2015 / 17:15

      if you want “pandering”….you won’t see that from Cruz. nothing is stopping “minority voters from supporting our next president.

      • CarolinaSistah April 27, 2015 / 21:12

        Pandering is something all politicians do, including Ted Cruz. It’s a requirement of the job.

      • debrakcarey February 14, 2016 / 20:35

        I know plenty of ‘minorities’ aleady supporting Cruz, they can think for themselves. No need to make a ‘special’ effort, Cruz respects their being able to think for themselves.

    • cschuz4961 April 26, 2015 / 23:55

      Divide and conquer—we are Americans.

      • Candy Powell May 12, 2015 / 01:25

        Im already completely sold ready to help you get there

    • pat April 27, 2015 / 20:05

      Why? Are they special different or have different needs than others?

      • CarolinaSistah April 27, 2015 / 21:09

        There are specific issues that need to be addressed — our unemployment is double that of whites, the criminal justice system operates differently for blacks than it does for whites even though we don’t use drugs anymore than whites, illegal immigration impacts us more negatively than it does the rest of the population — those are a few things we would like addressed. Doesn’t make us special.

    • Meme (@mepoiu) June 5, 2015 / 01:33

      Minority, you mean Black or Hispanic or another race? When will we move away from protected classes and call each other men and women of America? When will we stop segregating by race and judge by the content of character? Why is it not called racism when a race of people are selected to be treated different in any form including administering entitlements, entering college, etc? We cannot legislate our way to non-racism, we can legislate racism. The scales of justice will never be balanced as long as the blind is removed.

      • Kim January 9, 2016 / 02:20

        Well stated!!!

      • Martine June 29, 2016 / 05:14

        Well said. I totally agree!

    • Georgann Muckleroy February 25, 2016 / 02:19

      Hi Sistah,
      Cruz wants to secure the border and follow the rule of law. If you’re here illegally, you’re out. He will enforce the laws that are on the books right now-he has the will to do it, whereas our current President and Marco Rubio do not-Marco is for continued amnesty. Cruz wants to cut down on wasteful spending, and introduce a flat tax of 10%. That way, hard-working Americans keep more of their money. He wants to lower the corporate tax rate down to bring businesses back to America to increase jobs for black, white, hispanic, you name it. The Tax Foundation found that Ted Cruz’s projected economic growth based on his tax plan was 13.9% whereas Trump’s was 11.5%. Economic growth will spur jobs, that helps you, me and the rest of the citizens, black, white, red or brown. Some great sites go check out are: Conservative Review, Steve Deace podcast, RedState, etc. Fox News is in the tank for Rubio-along with the establishment vote, the media is in the tank for Trump for his ratings. I would highly recommend ignoring the TV media right now as they are completely biased. The establishment fears Cruz because he will break the cronyism, the lobbyists, the chronic corruption. (why they are going after him with “Liar” because they can’t go against him on substance). The media want a liberal. I have looked at the candidates. The only one that has said what he was going to do, and actually did it-has been Ted Cruz. There is a reason Marco Rubio is coming 3rd in his own state. Because he betrayed the people who put him in there by joining up with Obama, Chuck Schumer in the Gang of 8 and pushing amnesty on the American people for 12 million illegals aliens. That’s where the jobs are going. That’s where the tax payer’s money is going. To people who aren’t even citizens and who haven’t paid into the system. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

      • CarolinaSistah March 25, 2016 / 18:39

        Thank you for this good analysis. I am watching and observing. This election is in a shambles. I don’t like any of the GOP candidates, but I despise the Dem candidates. I am probably one of those who will keep praying and seeking God’s guidance and won’t know until I walk into the voting booth which way I’ll go. I don’t like Cruz, but if he is it, he is it.

  3. Neldene Matusevich April 26, 2015 / 12:54

    I met Ted Cruz last fall at a luncheon with a group of like minded conservatives. He made a huge impression on me. He cares for our nation, our constitution and our future. He did a “round table” discussion and replied to each of our questions or concerns. From that meeting on, I became a supporter of Ted Cruz for president.

  4. Donald Rouselle April 26, 2015 / 13:42

    What? There are no “minority” voters, in texas CS?

  5. Shirley Carrigan April 26, 2015 / 17:19

    Yes, He yelled at Republicans for confirming the new AG, then got on an airplane and flew back to Texas without voting. He did not want a “no” vote against a black woman on his record because he us running for President. There are many more times he has not voted….check the record . Cowardly if you ask me, I am a true conservative not a renegade that backs always from a tough call!!!

    • Michael B. Smith April 26, 2015 / 18:31

      Ted Cruz voted “no” on cloture. That required 60 votes to pass and allowed the vote to proceed. Before anything is allowed to vote, pretty much everyone in the Senate knows the vote count. He had a fundraiser in Dallas at Tom Hick’s home. He left before the vote on the nomination and did not vote. Seven more votes were needed for a tie. If it was close to a tie, Biden would have gone to preside over the Senate to break that tie. He did not because he knew what Ted Cruz and everyone else knew, she was going to be nominated.

      Our other Texas Senator John Cornyn voted “yes” on cloture allowing the vote to go forward. He then bragged about voting “no” on the nomination. Republicans have hoodwinked and bamboozled for years now with this game they play of voting to allow a vote to happen then vote against the vote they voted to allow!

      Running for president takes money. Ted Cruz raised almost 40 million in one week, but that is not nearly enough. If the vote was close and he might have made a difference, I would be upset he did not vote on the nomination. It wasn’t.

      There are real issues facing this country. We have ISIS killing Christians. We have a 18 trillion dollar deficit that is growing. I think it is time to stop focusing on non issues and start dealing with reality.

    • j a anderson January 9, 2016 / 20:19

      what “black” woman do you refer?

  6. bethjsmith April 26, 2015 / 20:15

    Ted Cruz is not eligible to run. Our Constitution calls for two American citizen parents. Either we uphold our Constitution or we do not and we will watch it continue to get shredded.

    • Michael B. Smith April 26, 2015 / 23:36

      WRONG – the constitution says ONLY THE FOLLOWING: please do not add things to the very document I took an oath to defend!

      “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.”

      • debrakcarey February 14, 2016 / 20:42

        In 1790 by ACT of CONGRESS (which was made up of at least 19 men who attended the Constitutional Convention) ‘natural born’ was DEFINED as those born on US soil, AND those born to citizen parents. This ACT of Congress signed by Geo. Washington (president of Constitutional Convention) gives us insight into the minds of those who actualy wrote the clause. I think they knew what they meant, and it is clear they allowed for those born abroad or at sea to citizens. It also sets prescedent for Congress to pass law as to how many citizen parents it has to be. Cruz is eligible under the law.

    • Michael B. Smith April 26, 2015 / 23:55

      Furthermore- unless you are our purposing a 3rd type of citizen – Please provide the source of information that shows Ted Cruz was naturalized at some point in his life!

      Because he was a natural born American citizen at birth a class was not required. There are ONLY two types of American citizens Natural Born and Naturalized. The latter requires citizenship classes!

      • Kathryn Colton Shaw January 18, 2016 / 02:06

        Right on!! (3rd type of citizen)

  7. dandtoy April 27, 2015 / 10:23

    Of Parents owing no allegiance to any foreign entity…

  8. CruzCrewSue October 28, 2015 / 17:46

    There are many things I love about Ted Cruz – but the fundamental thing All Americans should know is he is driven by integrity, the Constitution. And, it’s that simple. Of course he has his beliefs and opinions but that isn’t what drives him. What drives him is ensuring that our amazing experiment in liberty continues for future generations. And, the way to do this is simple. Uphold the constitution. Do what you promised the voters – the people for whom the government operates – what you said you would do. And the fact that he has strong faith and honorable character is icing.

    God Bless Ted Cruz.

  9. Rich October 30, 2015 / 18:53

    I have supported Ted Cruz for President before he announced. As for minorites wanting more entitlement or special treatment, stop! If you want to improve your life or those you know, earn it. Anyone can work up if the prove they want it.
    Cruz is the man that will help us stop the obstecals and allow all be what we want to be.

  10. Mike January 3, 2016 / 21:23

    I think Sistah has a point that Black citizens are more impacted by bad government policies than general population. But the solutions are correcting or eliminating bad policies, not carve-outs. Cruz’ policies will help all low income and middle class Americans by removing obstacles and creating opportunities. Sistah, if you’re serious, seek him out and listen. Then, decide.

  11. Frank John Samide June 28, 2016 / 00:01

    S.M.I.B. Brother.

  12. Cheryl Gabehart-Phelps June 28, 2016 / 13:52

    I don’t think Cruz is to blame for minorities getting mistreated. Cruz is a minority. He also lives in Texas and so he knows first hand about the border problems. He is also a lawman. So he thinks we should enforce the laws already in the book. Cruz is a Christian so he cares about people where ever they are and whomever they are including you. So what’s there not to like. My Mom said she doesn’t like Cruz because he’s funny lookin’ and my sister doesn’t like Cruz because he talks too educated. She likes uneducated talk like Trump. I’m here to say if you toss out all prejudices about a candidate and look at a mans resume, not his picture, not his vocabulary, not his ethnicity you will find………….there’s no other choice but TED CRUZ. Thanks.

  13. Susan Svienty August 22, 2016 / 22:55

    I been sold on Senator Cruz for A VERY LONG TIME. Not to steal someone else’s trite slogan (and that is all it is slogan NOT policy), Senator Cruz was our chance to make America great again. As someone in a blue state and city, Chicago, I proudly drive with the Cruz / Fiorina bumper sticker on my red hummer with gun rack ontop since I DRIVE WITH MY CONSCIENCE. Everything Senator Cruz says he will do he does and I give him tremendous credit for having the fortitude to stand behind principle and not endorse Trump at the GOP convention! It is because of so many supposed conservative talk radio hosts and supposed conservative TV networks and the reality TV voters that Senator Cruz did not get the GOP nomination. He would have beat Hillary badly and Senator Cruz as president would have steered this country back on the right tract. I worry now about the direction of this country for our children and grandchildren with either of the 2 nominees (Trump and Clinton). Either way we LOSE. And lastly, while I have never had a beer with Senator Cruz, how could someone else who has never had a beer with him say he is not someone you would want to have a beer with? I surely would. It would be a very stimulating intellectual conversation! Best!

  14. PC Bob (@IAMPCBob) September 9, 2016 / 19:51

    Most of these post’s are at least a year old now, but they show one thing clearly: Ted Cruz was the choice of many good and thoughtful people! So, how did we end up with Trump? Did too many people listen to the MSM telling us that Ted Cruz was a liar? It’s an OLD trick, calling someone else down for what YOU do! Trump is the real LIAR here! He was able to distract enough people and make them believe that Ted was the liar, when all along it was Trump who was lying! Then, Rubio jumped on the bandwagon, too, and people believed HIM! Talk about a LIAR! They managed to trashtalk Ben Carson, just as they did with Herman Cain! Spread enough lies and people start to believe them! Well, just LOOK at what we have now? BOTH major party candidates are unworthy of the office and does it really matter who wins? Either way America will be the loser! THIS will be the craziest and most insane election in the entire history of America! Almost ANY Republican would have been a better choice than Trump!

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