Teaching my son to shave

The perfect way to spend time with your son teaching him a valuable skill and bonding at the same time.

My son, Ian, while only 11, watches me shave everyday. He finally asked me when could I start teaching him to shave.

I ordered him a cheap safety razor, put the blades in my dity bag and BAM, instant and safe time with my son in front of the mirror.

If you embrace the #Bible the #Bible will embrace you

#BibleStudy was great tonight. (4/29/15)

So – if it’s true (and I believe it is – and will prove the hypothesis with my graph) that:
“If you embrace the #Bible the #Bible will embrace you”
Then America is in a world of #Secular shit!
Over the last 7 or 8 years I have increasingly moved towards a greater relationship with #Jesus. I read and study my #Bible daily. I try my hardest to live the life that #Jesus wants me to live. In that time my life has greatly improved. Trust me years ago I was a wicked and evil man. Perhaps it is my youths indiscretions and pure meaness that causes me to try so hard to please Jesus, for fear that I might not make the list – but anyway… 
If in that same period that I strived to walk in Jesus footsteps American society by and large has fallen away from righteous living. THIS IS NOT DEBATABLE – it’s a fact – just look at the nightly news. 
Secularists and Secularism has moved America away from living the bible and the end results of both me and America is illustrated below.  

Hillary Clinton: Is She Really A Champion Of The People?

Since her campaign launch fancying herself as a “champion of the people,” I’ve spent some time reflecting on her claim.

As one would suspect, I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton. In fact, since her announcement I reckon I have become a misogynist since I disagree with politically. (Much the same way I have been labeled a racist for disagreeing with Barack Obama politically).

Here is my video that I compiled – please feel free to share.

Be that as it may, I have taken the liberty of doing a little research on statements made by Mrs. Clinton that would certainly discredit her assertion that she is a “champion of the people.”

On April 30, 2008 in a FOX News interview with Bill O’Reilly, Mrs. Clinton responded to Mr. O’Reilly who had said I’m rich;

Rich people, God bless us. We deserve all the opportunities to make sure our country and our blessings continue to the next generation. (Click quote to video)

What exactly Mrs. Clinton’s point was is unclear. If you watch the exchange between them, it was an unscripted answer that sounded more like a Freudian slip. 

Also in April of 2008 Mrs. Clinton while out on the campaign trail, stopped at a convince store and when asked about gas prices responded:

I haven’t personally bought it in a long time because of the secret service.. So.. I have a..a… unique situation…but I sure heard a lot from so many people about what it cost them to by gas. (Click quote to video)

Now while it’s understandable that since being 1st Lady she has been driven, it really drives home the point that Mrs. Clinton is simply out of touch with everyday Americans. It’s very reminiscent of President Bush (41) not knowing what a loaf of bread cost in the 1992 election against Bill Clinton.

Most telling about Mrs. Clinton’s inability to claim the mantle of “champion of the people” however would be her interview with Diane Swayer June 9, 2014 in which she responded to Mrs. Swayer who had asked her about the amount of money that both her and Bill Clinton make per speaking engagements by saying: we were dead broke, (Click quote to video) a claim I find highly suspect.

What about championing the four dead Americans in Benghazi? What does it matter at this point? (Click quote to video) Did she not think those four Americans were worth championing?

Finally, one has to wonder if Mrs. Clinton is a “champion for all the people” or just “some of the people”

While on a campaign stop in Iowa on April 16, 2015, her van aptly named the “Scoobey Van” was video taped in a handicap parking space (click quote to video) What about championing the handicapped Mrs. Clinton by not parking in a spot that a paraplegic might have needed? A wounded warrior that had both his/her legs blown off? Or an elderly person?

I’m sure as the 2016 election cycle continues, Mrs. Clinton will continue to leave us wondering just how much or whom these people are she claims to champion but let’s pray she doesn’t keep it on a secret email server, because like her 30,000 emails she deleted – we shall never know!

Liberal Blogger Rachelle Friedman Abandons Position On Violaters of Handicap Parking To Protect Hillary Clinton! 

The hypocrisy on the left never ceases to amaze me. Case in point; Rachelle Friedman, a liberal blogger at Huffington Post recently wrote an article entitled An Open Letter to Handicap Parking Violaters: Just Stop.

In it she goes to great lengths to blast those who violate handicap parking spots that are not themselves handicap and rightfully so!

Ms Friedman writes; Handicap parking violators (Also known as “the bane of my existence”), are freaking everywhere. She goes on to say; We’re annoyed with people assuming that there is a slim chance someone will need the spot while they’re inside. Ms Friedman couldn’t be more correct and frankly – I agree with her entire article.

So when picture proof of Hillary Clinton parking in a handicap spot (for which, in Texas a $500.00 fine will be accessed if ticketed) was tweeted to her from my wife because she is such an advocate of this issue, her response was something of a shocker!


  Clearly one can see that the “Scoobey Van” was parked in a designated handicap spot, clearly one can even see Mrs. Clinton standing beside the handicap sign and clearly we can see that Ms. Friedman responded that there is no proof!

Here is the video tape from KETV Channel 7 in Iowa that leaves zero doubt as too the infraction of the law.


My question for Mrs Clinton, who is campaigning as a “Champion of the a people” is, What if a truly handicapped person needed that spot? Are they not people you champion also or is it that you are just above the law and the regular folk?” or “Mrs. Clinton, what if a wounded warrior in a wheelchair with no legs had needed that spot to do business?”

My question to Ms Friedman: is your political views so left that your willing to sacrifice your principles about violators of handicap park spots in order to protect your gal?  

Thoughts Of Hillary Clinton’s Announcement 

I am a strong supporter of Ted Cruz. Whether you support Ted Cruz or not is irrelevant at this point, but – he is dead on in his assessment of Hillary Clinton in his press release today.

In thinking about the start of the 2016 POTUS election cycle, I hope Cruz wins the GOP nomination, but of course, it’s anyone’s to win. In so far as Hillary Clinton, I believe her coronation as the Democrats candidate is at her detriment.

It’s widely known she is not a good campaigner, it seems as if Clinton fatigue is already setting in, some mouth pieces on the left aren’t  even real happy about her candidacy, she has a lot of baggage and she won’t have a real chance of honing what limited skills she has.

Add to that – the party in the White House as a rule doesn’t win that 3rd term (Bush 41 the exception and only because Dukakis was so terribly inept) AND her age and privileged life (ala Romney) and I like our chances.

Frankly – I would be more worried if Elizabeth Warren threw her hat in or Jim Webb.

Yup – I think Hillary’s candidacy is a real good thing for our side!

HOUSTON, Texas — Today U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following statement in reaction to the announcement that Hillary Clinton is running for President:

“Hillary Clinton just announced what we’ve known for a long time — she’s running for president, again. But the good news is that we’re ready for Hillary — we know exactly what to expect.

“Hillary Clinton REPRESENTS the FAILED POLICIES of the past and there’s going to be a very clear choice to make in 2016. Does America WANT A THIRD OBAMA term or are we ready for strong conservative leadership to make America great again?

“Her announcement raises a critical question: IS THE WORLD A SAFER PLACE BECAUSE Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State?

“The answer is obvious. NO. The Obama-Clinton national security policies have made the world more dangerous for America and for our allies.

“She designed and implemented ‘leading from behind.’ ON HER WATCH we have witnessed the rise of Russia, Iran, and ISIS. Radical Islamic terrorists are on the march. Here at home, the Obama-Clinton economic policies have made life harder and harder for millions of hard-working Americans.

“We know that a Hillary Clinton Administration would be NO DIFFERENT than an Obama Administration.

“Obamacare, amnesty, and the ongoing assault on our constitutional rights would continue. Our rights to religious liberty, to free speech, and to keep and bear arms would continue to be threatened by the federal government. There would be more scandals, more corruption, more lawlessness, and more abuse of power.

Cafeteria Conservative @SenJohnMcCain Seeking 6th Term & Why Liberty Activist Must Focus

You will find no better example of a Cafeteria Conservative than John McCain who seeks his 6th term as a U.S. Senator.

A man who despises Ted Cruz, Mike Lee & Rand Paul.

A man who lives in a state in which 85% is owned by the Fed and a man who is part of the problem.

Men like this don’t want limited government. 

They are big government crony corporatist hacks that use terms like “Constitutional Conservative” as the butt of a joke while they stuff their faces at the fancy cocktail parties in DC. 

Limited government is abhorant to them because it threatens their power structure.

You can bet McCain, Cornyn, Corker, Graham, McConnell and the like will be working AGAINST Americans who believe as we do to limit their power in order to keep the status quo with Bush!

We Must Remain Focused #CruzCamp #PaulCamp

Just an FYI I’m not going to be entertaining the Rand Paul or Ted Cruz bashing – I support Cruz but as Mark Levin is talking about right now – we have an establishment machine that is sinking millions into attacking Ted and Rand that is sympathetic to Jeb Bush.

We can not suffer Hillary or a cafeteria establishment conservative winning 2016.

As far as I am concerned it is US versus them and US includes liberty activist in both camps of Cruz & Paul.

I hope and trust we can all pitch for our guy – avoid bashing the other guy and zero in together attacking the Bush, Huck, Christie middle or whatever shape it takes.

While I am not a Paul guy – I respect him – I have little issue with him (foreign policy is about it) but heck Ted ain’t perfect either (HB1 visa???)

So let’s do this friends – we mustn’t get in a pissing contest over 2 outstanding Constitutional Conservatives – that’s EXACTLY WHAT KARL ROVE WANTS! 

Let Us Welcome Rand Paul To The Field!

Tho I’m a Ted Cruz supporter, I welcome Rand Paul and his supporters to the field.

Today’s entrance of Mr Paul and soon others is a happy time for me. It reminds me of one of the many reasons I served our country.

It reminds me why I believe America (Tho faultering the last 6 years) is still the greatest country with the most opportunity. 

It shows that those who wish to run can and those who wish to support in the variety of ways one can, do!

Our primary & nominations process is something to celebrate and be proud of and I’m thankful to all those who do rather than complain and do nothing or worse yet ridicule and run their mouth!

All should be proud and stand tall that choose the path of being involved politically – you are the few who make the difference and participate in the freedom and your birth right!

When Incoherent Progressive Hyperbole Malign Ted Cruz, Tea Party And Conservatism Of Today

I’ve been told by “self proclaimed independents” and “cafeteria conservatives” as well as liberals that the “Right” has become fringe radicals.

An accusation that leaves me puzzled when coming from otherwise intelligent people.

To illustrate my hypothesis I will start using Ted Cruz as an example of liberal malignment of Conservatism. 

Now that Ted Cruz has announced his candidacy for POTUS; the voices making these ridiculous claims is growing louder. “Cruz is radical” “Cruz speaks for those radical tea baggers” blah blah blah… What’s amazing about this is: Ted Cruz is nothing more or less than a Constitutional Conservative that’s not afraid to speak truth about very hard choices we as a country must make at this juncture in our American experiment called a Representative Republic which is based on the principles of: 

(1) Respect for the Constitution; 

(2) Respect for Life; 

(3) Believe in Limited Government; and 

(4) Belief in Personal Responsibility. 

Which incidentally are the 4 principles Frederick Douglass espoused, which leaves me wondering about those who ridicule Mr Cruz as to whether or not they support the constitution and the limits it places on government or the rights it seeks to protect from an overbearing government. It makes me wonder if they understand that the framers understood that government by its very nature seeks to grow and over reach its authority and wrote the perfect blueprint to prevent that from happening. It is that which conservatism seeks to promote and always has. 

“Conservatism” as we see it in action today by the oft maligned Tea Party is the exact same conservatism that Barry Goldwater wrote about in his 1960 book “The Conscience of a Conservative” and the very same conservatism that Frederick Von Hayek wrote about in his book “Road to Serfdom” in the mid 1930’s.

It’s the same conservatism that Ayn Rand wrote of in Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead as well as the dystopian future perpetrated by the very same radical liberalism we see today.

The very same conservatism that birthed Ronald Reagan as we know him and propelled him to President.

Conservatism of today is the same conservatism it’s always been; no more; no less!

Why? Because conservatism is not subject to whims of the day. It’s a set and structured ideology based on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Federalist papers by which Conservatives pontificate on the belief that limited government is inherently better for and to the citizens it governs and that our rights are endowed by our creator (God for those who simply don’t get it) and not subject to the whims of societal changes or politicians that seek to place limits on those rights because “it’s better for society.”

Progressive Liberalism or Populist Liberalism on the other hand has no such set and structured core beliefs or values. They are ideologies that grow and change with the times to reflect the “en vogue” “cause de jour” of the day and they have moved further and further left over the last 60 years and seeped into our lives making the un ordinary and outrageous normal that by comparison the same ole conservative ideology now looks extreme.

So allow me to suggest 2 things 

1. Perhaps it is the left that has become fringe radical and has successfully projected its radical mindset onto conservatives in order to hide its true character!

2. Those who seek to marginalize Ted Cruz, Liberty Activist, Tea Party Activist or any other Constitutional Conservatives that speak up boldly, with liberal hyperbole that he/they are the exact opposite of the radical left, are morons, nuts, wear tin foil hats, racist, homophobic, misogynistic or any other of a plethora of accusations and names, are in fact, themselves, not very bright, not well read, have little understanding of that which they pontificate about and finally – NOT WORTH THE ENERGY EXPENDED PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM!

Is The Progressive Left Sabotaging Its Own Agenda?

Is the progressive left doing more harm than good with regard to their ends of normalizing “same-sex marriage” or the requirement to subsidize abortion and/or abortaficients?

I contend they are.

Over the last few years we have seen ginned up controversy coupled with orchestrated attacks leveled at various private businesses that choose to run their business based on the moral principles the Bible teaches from (albeit a minority) pundits in the mainstream liberal media (mostly heterosexual I might add), the radical feminist movement (which polls indicate hardly represents most women) and the radical and militant LGBTQ community.

Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, a wedding cake baker, a wedding photographer and now a pizzeria but to name a few.

These buisinesses have been targeted by these militants with the goal of utterly destroying them and their businesses. Facts surrounding the issues have been misconstrued at best; outright lied about at worst by these so called “tolerant liberals” all with the goal of forcing upon every single American their brand of tolerance and moral belief structure to the exclusion of all other sets of values and beliefs that a country like America, with widely held differences, has.

In the most recent example, a small, family owned pizzeria in Indiana, was the target of a news reporter, who sought out businesses for comments with regard to the Religious Freedom act until she got the answer she wanted (using a gotcha tactic I might add).

It was a hypothetical question to a business that would likely never be confronted with the problem, who answered truthfully based on her deeply held religious beliefs. For that – the family was targeted by these militants. Their business threatened of being burned down, their lives threatened with physical violence and even death all in the name of social justice.

Accordingly my friend Lawrence Billy Jones III and another in our circle, Dana Loesch set up a GoFundMe account to help these people. For their part, a militant lesbian, reporter Alix Bryan that works for a CBS affiliate CBS 6, of Richmond, VA., made a false accusation of fraud against my friends “just in case.” 

 No research required, no contacting either Lawrence or Dana, just a libelous claim of fraud and then tweeted about her lie she was so proud of, hoping “us bigots” would be taken advantage of.   To add insult to injury, Ms Bryan issued a thinly valed apology in which she tried to spin her report of fraud “just in case” out of concern for people  being victims of “theft of donation.” While that is certainly an honorable position, it’s hardly the reason based on later tweet (above) hoping people would be taken advantage of. 

   On a side note I am wondering if Ms. Bryan remembers Adam Smith, who shamed an employee of Chick-Fil-A and video recorded it, posted it on YouTube and subsequently ruined his life. [ Ex-CFO Who Slammed Chick-fil-A Lives on Food Stamps

In the case of all these buisinesses, everyday Americans donated or visited the stores in a strong show of support – leaving the left scratching their heads so as to excite their brains. Subsequent polls show that a majority of these every day Americans are also tiring of the effort on behalf of the left to force and foist upon everyone their agenda.

While polls do show that same sex marriage is trending favorably and will likely occur – those same polls show that the left is over playing its hand and actually setting themselves back on an issue they could very well win if they just shut up, stop ramming it down Americans throats and be content to do business with those who will cash their check and allow the market place to deal with those who won’t!

Over the last six years America has indeed witnessed the “fundamental transformation” that was promised by candidate Obama under his watch as President. It’s not pretty and in fact, downright scary. We have indeed reached a point in which tactics of intimidation and threat are directed at those who disagree with his progressive and radical agenda. A tactic very reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia in the not so distant past!