Is America Becoming a Dystopian Society?

Who’s John Galt?  To partly answer that question, let me tell you who he is not.  John Galt is not Barak Obama.  John Galt is not a man who believes in redistribution: from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.  So – who is John Galt? I’ll answer that question in a little bit.

A dystopia is the idea of a society that is a repressive and controlled state, often under the guise of being utopian. Dystopian societies feature different kinds of repressive social control systems, various forms of active and passive coercion. They are also often imagined as a police state with unlimited power over its citizens.  Some of the books you may recall that deal with dystopian societies include,  A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Nineteen Eighty Four and Animal Farm by George Orwell, Logan’s Run by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson as well as Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.  Who can forget Big Brother is watching you, citizens taking part in a ritual called Carrousel in which they are vaporized at the age of 30 or the character named Jim Taggart in Atlas Shrugged exclaiming Selfish greed for profit is a thing of the past. It has been generally conceded that the interests of society as a whole must always be placed first in any business undertaking… Isn’t that particular quote reminiscent of Reverend Jeramiah Wright’s  A white mans greed runs a world in need?

Having  just finished investing 12 hours into Rand’s Magnus Opus, I bring up the idea of a Dystopian Society looming in our not to distant future depending on how this election plays out.  Based on several initiatives we have seen from this administration, which include attacks and usurpation of the 1st Amendment in forcing Religious institutions to go against the tenants of their faith and distribute contraceptive needs and provide abortions, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly referred to as “Obamacare”) and the class warfare tactics they have taken in their tone.  It is what Ted Cruz, Texas US Senatorial candidate called a “trifecta.”  Something I see as a “3-pronged” attack on the foundation of America.

First – President Obama and the left are trying to paint the picture that Conservatives are still swinging in the trees, that we somehow believe men should drag women around by their hair, that – we are knuckle dragging stone age Neanderthals out of touch with society. Yet, it is President Obama that is back peddling on his attack on religion after society by and large said – “No, Mr. President, you will not tell our religious institutions what they must do.” The left is trying to convince Americans that this isn’t about telling religions how to believe only that they need to provide health care to their employees. There are a few problems with this. 1st, contraceptive needs are not a preventative medical issue and abortion is not curing a disease.

This is the first piece of the 3-pronged socialist attack to get Americans thinking in Secular terms or to assimilate into the collective. If you take away peoples faith and leave them with Government as being GOD, then you can herd them like so many sheep in the fields, right over the edge of a cliff.

Second – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act asserts federal control over health care benefits and financing, establishes a one-size-fits-all health care system, and centralizes America’s health care decisions in Washington. ObamaCare is another piece of Congressional legislation for which there is no federal authority in the Constitution. Again, usurping the Constitution.  The law itself states: If an applicable individual fails to meet the requirement of subsection (a) [having a government-approved health-insurance policy]… there is hereby imposed a penalty with respect to the individual.

Elsewhere, in a section entitled “Payment of Penalty,” it says that individuals failing to carry a government-approved health insurance policy must pay a maximum penalty of $750.  Is this not reminiscent of  the operation undergone voluntarily for the good of Society in Brave New World

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution says that the federal government can do only what it has been specifically authorized to do by the Constitution. Everything else is left to the states or to the people, Yet, as in Rands Atlas Shrugged when executive order; Directive 10-289 was issued, we see daily Obama issue executive orders in the name of the general welfare, to protect the people’s security, to achieve full equality and total stability with little regard for the 10th Amendment and the Constitution.

If this is not enough, The Department of Health and Human Services’ released a media policy making it official that staff members and reporters are forbidden to speak to each other without reporting to public information officers and supervisors. A blatant and Soviet Styled attempt to control the media and information that is being disseminated – an obvious attempt at lying to we the people.  Imagine a Federal Government that has access to your health records? Imagine the control they could exercise over you!

Third – I draw the conclusion based on the obvious power grab of the Obama Administration and the extent to which they will go to cover the truth from us as well as the “Spread the Wealth” and “I believe in redistribution” mentality of the rich paying their fair share that is being bantered about now. They have successfully convinced a not so small portion of our fellow Americans that it is 99% vs. 1%. There was a tactfully skilled reason for doing this, divide and conquer. Get the masses turned again the rich (bourgeoisie) and you have a classic Bolshevik Revolution.  It worked for Lenin and Trotsky, and it is without little doubt that Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky.

It’s easy to understand why Barak Obama does not respect people who have built their own business, respect individualism or objectivism, or respect money!  For the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.  Karl Marx famously said:  from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Then candidate Obama said, I believe in spreading the wealth around eerily the same if you ask me.  So it is left to us to fight, to convince the masses that collectivism is not that way, that assimilation leads to nothing and destroys individualism and objectivism – when you take away a persons ability to fail, you take away their ability to be a success and if we continue down the path of switching the foundation of America from objectivism to collectivism, then we will wake up one day and find our teachers are our rulers.

We will not change the mind of the left and we have a task ahead of us changing the mind of the middle.  Speaking of the middle – Rand defined them eloquently: There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway.  Well, I am no fool, and damned be the man who expects me to meet the fools half way.  So it is left to us to pull those people from the middle by whatever means necessary: by showing them that we have hit a fork in the road, a fork in which sides must be taken, the weapons of truth in one hand and the constitution in the other must be our armament and we are called upon to take this fight to those that can be persuaded like Hannibal, who took his fight to the Romans at Trebia and should we fail, so shall the country!

So I ask again, who is John Galt? In Atlas Shrugged, that question was a metaphor to mean I don’t know; of helplessness and despair at the current state of the country but we also learn that John Galt was a worker.  A man born of modest means who organizes a strike by the world’s creative leaders, including inventors, artists and businessmen, in an effort to “stop the motor of the world” and bring about the collapse of the collectivist society.

While I am not so pessimistic as to believe things will ever be as bad as in those famous dystopian novels aforementioned, I do believe that at some point this country has been derailed: that we are becoming a collectivist society and we are traveling on a train that is taking us down the wrong tracks.  This President and the left are robbing us of our religious foundations; our privacy and dividing us up so as to easily conquer us. It was very effective when Lenin and Trotsky did it and we see first hand as this same old song and dance plays out again. It is imperative that we do everything we can to put our nominee, Governor Mitt Romney in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and put this country back on the tracks of greatness.

So who is John Galt – the Tea Party, the 912er’s the liberty activist – WE- the grassroots – we who have organized the strike against collectivism in the real world of America under the rule of Barak Obama –WE ARE ALL JOHN GALT.

That’s editorial and I am sticking to it!

Credit (1) Galewitz, Phil (March 26, 2010). “Consumers Guide To Health Reform”. Kaiser Health News.

2 thoughts on “Is America Becoming a Dystopian Society?

  1. aeem September 16, 2014 / 13:19

    Companies pick up the incentive of federal tax deduction by offering health care benefits to their employees. This benefit from federal taxation towards an employer does come with conditions and requirements. If some Christian craft store doesn’t like it then they are free to discontinue their tax deductions based of offered health plans. It is high;y probable that the sky high medical insurance premiums we have today in USA are results of employers winning in tax benefits and large duopoly like (hospital+insurer) harvesting on the employees. Sky high premiums and still tons of out of pocket expenses. It is not right!

  2. Nick March 24, 2016 / 11:48


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